Contact Us

Crime Stoppers works. But it needs your support if it is to continue to be successful. Contributions to the reward fund are needed on a continuous basis-the more successful the program, the greater the funds necessary. Donations of video equipment, computer equipment, printing and graphics services for brochures, fliers, posters, etc., production of promotional items such as T-shirts, caps, mugs, bumper stickers, etc., and billboard space, are also needed. Volunteers can also help with publicity, mailings, and fund-raising events.

The responsibility of fighting crime belongs to all of us, not just law enforcement alone. Citizen involvement is our greatest asset in assisting law enforcement.

If you know something about any serious crime, that information could be valuable. Please call Crime Stoppers of Palm Beach County at:
1-800-458-TIPS (8477)


Submit a Tip 1-800-458-8477
E-mail (for general questions):
Mail: Crime Stoppers of Palm Beach County, Inc.
P.O.Box 6245
West Palm Beach, Florida 33405
President: Sherri Cole
Program Coordinator: Cindy Lopez
Phone: 561-688-3870
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